

Congratulations! You made it through module 7.

Reflection Question: What is one of your key takeaways from this module (a quote, insight, skill, resource, or perspective)? How does or will this takeaway impact your thinking or teaching?

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12 thoughts on “7.7

  1. After Wednesday’s class and going through this module, I am reminded of the importance of waging peace intentionally. I have a good idea of what it means to not be passive, but often I don’t take a strong enough stance against violence. Maybe I need to make a change in what music I listen to and what systems of structural violence I’m a part of in the future. Barbara Deming’s writing was really influential in its emphasis on evolving methods of nonviolence. But at no point during that process of forgiveness and change are nonviolent resisters unintentional in their actions, or passive.

  2. My biggest takeaway is the power of non-violence as an act of aggression, not simply passiveness. However, I am still unsure of how to use non-violence in extreme situations, or acts of revolution.

  3. For me this really opened up the strategic role that nonviolence has in the world’s revolutions. I used to think the nonviolence movement was more principled, but now I realize that guiding principles forced people to think outside the box about how they would fight for what they though was right and develop strategies that are very effective. I think I will look at nonviolent movements completely differently from now on, assessing what I think the strategies are in addition to the principles guiding the movement.

  4. I really appreciated learning about other nonviolent strategists and reading their essays, letters, and speeches. It is really amazing how impactful and global nonviolence is. I also enjoyed the challenge of searching for existing nonviolent movements. This would be a really great exercise for students! I can imagine it working especially well with partners or groups in the classroom.

  5. My biggest takeaway is a newly developed perspective on nonviolent resistance. The module helped me understand how nonviolence is a direct action and a strategic decision that requires much preparation and background research. It is in no way a passive stance, but quite the contrary – “a weapon of the strong.”

  6. My biggest take away is that I now feel more equipped to talk about examples of nonviolence with my students, aside from the obvious examples of Martin Luther King, JR and Gandhi (who should absolutely be taught in schools too). I also feel like I now better understand that nonviolence is not just an alternative to violence, but an action fueled by strategy and principles.

  7. This module left me upset with the nonviolent movement. I have taken peace and conflict classes before and many things are repeated from class to class, as if there is nothing else out there to cover. Violent messages overtake peaceful ones and I think that more can be done to emphasize peace. Like Sarah said, there is not much in the media that focuses on peace. It exists, but it is not focused on enough, which is very frustrating. There is still so far to go!

  8. I think that my biggest takeaway and something that this module made me think about is the idea that non-violence is still action and involves risks. Often standing up in non-violent ways can turn to violence aimed at non-violent protesters or innocent people being arrested or put in jail. Promotion of non-violence is important but we must also be aware of the risks involved. It takes strong people to stand up and make a difference.

  9. I think that my biggest take-away from this is the idea that we are really surrounded by nonviolent conflict all the time that largely goes unnoticed. I need to keep this in mind in my classroom, when I’m working with students who might need that brought to their attention where they are actively processing and being exposed to situations that offer alternative solutions to the problems they encounter on a daily basis.

  10. One key takeaway for me is to remember that there is a much more elaborate history to nonviolence than simply King and Gandhi. As someone interested in the Cold War, it was fascinating for me to see the use of nonviolence in resisting Soviet regimes throughout Europe.

    This helps remind me to dig deeper when preparing to teach. There may be a history that didn’t make it to the textbook – or a narrative that’s worth considering. I try to always remember this in American History, but I need it as a reminder when looking at the vastness of World History.

  11. This is a very rich module with takeaways in each and everyone. I suppose that I was really disavowed of the lingering notion that nonviolence is only a moral stance based in a religious foundation, and that nonviolence is only appropriate when the power is held by a benevolent dictator who can be persuaded to change. I understood better that nonviolent confrontation/ resistance is a craft, a skill, an approach to righting wrong, rectifying injustice, and requires all of the organizational skills and “weapons” as if one were waging a violent action. It was Gandhi who said “The law of love (nonviolence) will work just as the law of gravitation will work whether we accept it or not”. He and many millions of people have proven it.

  12. My biggest takeaway this go-round is to consider once more what would happen if the focus shifted to nonviolence in the media? How would our psyches begin to change and adapt? Would we begin to develop different cravings for entertainment and fulfillment? I’d like to think the answer to these questions is affirmative. The follow-up then becomes, how can I begin to test this out in my own world?

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